Dietrich's software in training

With our timber construction programs, we provide apprentices, master craftsmen in training and university students with the best software right from the start.

This means that anyone who is currently undergoing training or further education can learn how to use professional CAD/CAM programs while they are still at school.


    • Fully fledged 3D CAD/CAM software without functional restrictions at favourable training conditions
    • Design and visualise in 2D and 3D
    • Extensive quantity survey and material database
    • Integrated Timber-Engineering with reviewable certificates
    • PlanCAD full version - automatic generation of jointing, quantity survey, detail and other plans
    • Component library with more than 18,000 elements
    • Keep using the software until 6 months after the training
    • Round-the-clock online advice through the Community with more than 10,000 registered members or in the knowledge blog
    • More than 50 comprehensible video tutorials on many topics online on Youtube
    • "First steps" - The book featuring a sample project to replicate for a quick introduction to the world of CAD


    • You are training as a carpenter or
    • You are enrolled at a master craftsman training or
    • You are studying at a vocational academy, university or technical college focussing on timber construction
    • You send us a certificate from your school/academy
    • You agree to the licence conditions
  • Interested? Just leave a short message with information about your current training. We'll get back to you!

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