Our partnerships and cooperations.

It is important to have renowned co-operation partners from the industry to achieve our goal of promoting timber construction in every respect. That is why we are delighted about the outstanding cooperation with these partners.


    GeoMax offers a comprehensive portfolio of integrated solutions through the design, manufacture and distribution of quality instruments and software for construction and field surveying. Our user-friendly, highly productive total stations, GPS/GNSS instruments, software, lasers, optical and digital levels and accessories from Geomax are suitable for both professionals and occasional users.

  • Gottlieb NESTLE GmbH

    The Gottlieb NESTLE GmbH stands for innovation and quality. The product range of the global manufacturer and trading company for surveying devices and accessories ranges from simple, classic measuring devices to high-quality GNSS surveying products for measurements of all kinds and in all construction areas. 

  • Structural Insulated Panel Association

    The Structural Insulated Panel Association (SIPA) is a non-profit trade association representing manufacturers, suppliers, dealer/distributors, design professionals, and builders committed to providing quality structural insulated panels for all segments of the construction industry.  SIPA has been in existence since 1990 and has made tremendous progress in advancing energy-efficient construction with structural insulated panels.

  • Structural Building Components Association

    Established in 1983, the Structural Building Components Association (SBCA) has become the only international trade association representing manufacturers of structural building components.

  • Holzbauwelt.de - Guide to timber homes and timber construction

    Dietrich's Technology has been featured exclusively on Holzbauwelt.de since January 2023. Holzbauwelt.de is the online platform for timber construction providers. From timber homes to multi-storey residential and commercial buildings, you can find committed medium-sized timber construction companies, creative planners and architectural offices. The career portal lists interesting employers and attractive jobs in timber construction. It's worth a visit - here you also will find a constant stream of exciting news from Dietrich's Technology.

  • Bundesverband Deutscher Fertigbau e.V. (BDF - German Prefabricated Building Association)

    The German Prefabricated Building Association was founded in 1961 to represent the interests of industrial, nationwide manufacturers of prefabricated timber houses. The German Prefabricated Building Association and its member companies represent the medium-sized prefabricated construction industry in Germany. The association also operates Europe's most modern show home exhibitions, FertighausWelt.


    The New Model Institute for Technology and Engineering (NMITE) is dedicated to reorganising tertiary education in engineering in the UK. The Centre for Advanced Timber Technology (CATT) was founded in 2020

  • 81fünf high-tech & holzbau AG

    Fine craftsmanship, clear concepts, natural materials and reliable partnerships!

    At 81fünf AG, knowledge springs from many sources. Under the name 81fünf, the nationwide association of timber construction companies, carpenters, planners, architects, building technicians and timber construction experts has been operating as a pioneer of ecological timber construction since 1992.

    Now with Dietrich's: As of now, we are a new industry partner in the 81fünf expert network

  • Restauratoren im Zimmererhandwerk e.V. (Restorators in the carpentry trade)

    The Association for Conservation and Restoration

    The preservation and restoration of a building requires not only experience and expertise, but also a careful and delicate approach.

    The Verband der Restauratoren im Zimmererhandwerk e.V. (Association of Restorers in the Carpentry Trade) is a nationwide interest and action group with the goal of comprehensive quality assurance.

  • Verband HIGH-TECH-ABBUND im Zimmererhandwerk e.V. (Association HIGH-TECH-JOINTING in the carpentry trade)

    The association HIGH-TECH-ABBUND im Zimmererhandwerk e.V. is a nationwide association of companies offering professional contract jointing. The association was founded in April 1995 and now has 100 members.

    The association's mission and goal is to support the carpentry business and work profitably through perfect contract jointing. Dietrich's is proud to contribute to this as a supporting member.

  • Förderverein der Hochschule und der Fachschule Rosenheim e.V. (Association for the Promotion of the Rosenheim University of Applied Sciences and Technical College)

    The Association for the Promotion of the Rosenheim University of Applied Sciences and Technical College, specialising in timber, acts as an important link to industry. We believe it is in the interests of companies that students are not only taught the theory, but are also trained in the practical requirements.

  • BuildingSMART e.V

    buildingSMART: Plan, build and operate better with BIM

    Building Information Modelling (BIM) is the state-of-the-art working method for the planning, construction and operation of buildings. BIM builds on the active networking of all parties involved throughout the entire life cycle of a building. Clearly defined conventions are essential for the associated processes and interfaces. BuildingSMART e.V. has been committed to this for years as part of the international buildingSMART movement. The independent association promotes open interfaces and hence "open BIM". It guarantees top quality BIM standards and solutions that focus on users and their work processes.

    Since early 2019, Dietrich's has been a member of the BIM in timber construction expert group, which specifically caters to the needs of the timber construction industry within buildingSMART Germany.

  • Timber Framers Guild

    Dedicated to the art and science of timber framing

    Seit 1985 ist die Timber Framers Guild eine gemeinnützige, ausbildende Vereinigung von Mitgliedern, die sich dem Handwerk des Holzbaus widmet. Wir agieren als Zentrum für Information und Design für den Holzbau und informieren beruflich und privat Interessierte.

    Founded in 1985, the Timber Framers Guild is a non-profit educational membership association dedicated to the craft of timber framing. We serve as a center of timber frame information and design for professionals, aficionados, and the general public.

  • Aus- und Weiterbildungs- Arbeitsgemeinschaft (Education and training working group)

    A cooperation between Dietrich's and the Constance Chamber of Trade for the promotion and qualification of the timber trade.